
Explore our many levels of subscription membership.


Starting at $19.95 monthly

Access thousands of video lessons, plus options to purchase individual song digital sheets.

  • Watch thousands of video lessons for songs of multiple genres, artists, and styles
  • Advanced search for easy access to song library
  • Watch on mobile devices and tablets
  • Purchase/download individual song digital sheets for $4.95 per song download (PDF)
  • Delayed access to 'Special Series' lessons featuring technique, holiday music, and special collections.


Starting at $29.95 monthly

Enjoy all the benefits of the Partner level, plus the following:

  • Download up to five (5) individual song digital sheets. Purchase additional individual song sheets for $3.95 per song download (PDF).
  • Enjoy a 10% discount on all merchandise purchases from the official Web Piano Teacher online store.
    (Future Release)
  • Discounted pricing for the official Web Piano Teacher apps, including iPhone, Android, AppleTV, and Roku channels.
    (Future Release)
  • Immediate access to 'Special Series' lessons featuring technique, holiday music, and special collections.
  • Access to watch live streaming episodes, exclusively for Web Piano Teacher members.


Starting at $49.95 monthly

Enjoy all the benefits of the Partner level, plus the following:

  • Download up to ten (10) individual song digital sheets. Purchase additional individual song sheets for $1.95 per song download (PDF).
  • Enjoy a 25% discount on all merchandise purchases from the official Web Piano Teacher online store.
    (Future Release)
  • Access to the official Web Piano Piano apps, including iPhone, Android, AppleTV, and Roku channels.
    (Future Release)
  • Immediate access to 'Special Series' lessons featuring technique, holiday music, and special collections.
  • Access to watch live streaming episodes, exclusively for Web Piano Teacher members.